What is architecture?

Answering this question may differ from a person to another, if we ask google what is architecture, the answer would be: Architecture is the art and technique of designing and building plans…, but if you ask me, I would answer: Architecture is the built realization of a particular concept, or ideas, this idea might be concerning construction or the way people perceive, use, share a building, or generally how would a structure fit in a landscape.

Architecture is: art, heritage, space, masterpieces, light, design, history, ephemeral, technology,…. and so many more.

Architecture arises from a need or a problem that calls for change, it is not a utopian event, but closely linked to the place understood as a support and an active part that determines the relationship between things.

The definition differs from

Architecture is the scientific art of making structure express ideas

Frank Lloyd Wright

Architecture is the inevitable art, we are in continuous contact with it … we can avoid contemplating paintings, sculptures or any other work of art but architecture, it affects us constantly, configures our behavior and conditions our state of mind 


Architecture embraces the entire physical environment that surrounds human life. We cannot escape from it as long as we are part of civilization, because architecture is the sum of modifications and alterations introduced into the land in order to satisfy human needs.